One of the claims of atheism is that it is a return to mother nature, i.e. it
tries to reconnect man with Nature. But this claim is not true, because on what
scientific and logical basis it was assumed that connecting with nature leads
to atheism and denying the existence of God? What is the evidence for that?
Also, human beings are part of nature, and I don’t think atheism says that
humans aren't part of nature! All those people have religions, and intuitively
know of the existence of god, they differed in the kind and number of gods but
they agreed in His existence, and atheism is an exception of the rule, excluded
from human nature.
Besides, the human mind is part of human beings, i.e. part of nature, and man's
natural mind also intuitively knows that for each created there is a creator.
Atheism, however, opposes that with no conclusive evidence from nature itself,
and this is an unnatural position.
Moreover, why does atheism like changing nature by allowing to manipulate its
laws in the name of science and gaining control? This is what Transhumanism
propagates which is an atheistic doctrine. And why does Atheism waves the
slogan of Man's victory over nature? Which is represented by Nietzsche's
atheist superman who will overcome nature and become a god.
Human emotions, aren't they part of nature? They are the immaterial nature of
Man in contrast to his material nature (body). Why does atheism oppresse the
human feelings and doesn’t consider them proof of anything? It doesn’t even
admit that the human emotion is independent and not even admit its existence!
And its place is given to the mind and science. Atheism is even proud of
overcoming feelings in the name of rationality, and that is an opposition to
nature. Where is, then, the respect for nature and the desire to connect with
it as atheism claims? It's just a way to pass unnoticed into the minds of
people by misusing people's love of nature.
If atheism were the only method to fellow on earth, it would be, according to
what is mentioned above, enough to ruin Earth, the environment, nature and
human beings. Because it doesn’t respect nature's structure and laws and
aspires to alter it. Atheism wants to rip apart the material nature, and the
moral nature of humanity and yet it keeps claiming itself to be a natural
Which one really is wanted to go to the other: the atheist to nature or nature
to the atheist who carries Nietzsche's desires?
Homosexuality isn’t found in nature because it has no purpose, and yet atheism
defends it in the name of freedom. Also drugs and alcohol aren't part of Man's
nature, they are artificial and poisonous, i.e. not natural, and the human body
doesn’t need them as nutrition and they are harmful to it, but atheism sees no problem
with them, it even encourages using them, as one of thousands of oppositions to
nature from atheism.
Also, world literature since the beginning of history is centered around mainly
on two major themes: God and Love. And both of them are denied by atheism
because they are not susceptible for science labs.
One of man's genuine natural characteristics is the especial care given to
values and morality. Atheism, however, wants interests to be ahead of morality,
contrary to human nature, and doesn’t not admit morals as absolute facts.
Atheism wants to make up a forged history for nature, that serves atheism more
than the truth, as in the unnatural and unscientific evolution theory. Atheism
presents nature different than what it really is, and wants us to believe that
bulls suddenly jumped into the sea and became whales! And fishes evolved to be
humans. If we believe in that then we should believe in the myth of the mermaid
as a missing link as its half fish - half human!
Atheism advocates struggle and tries to found it in nature, advocating power
and Capitalism as a consequence, even though struggle isn’t dominant in nature,
it's harmony and submission to the laws of nature that is dominant. The human
nature hates fighting, it loves peace and harmony. Struggle destroys nature,
look what wars did in the environment and living beings, things balance with
each other, not struggle with each other. Atheism tries to depict that water is
struggling with the soil, while it is actually consistent with the heights and
swags of the earth.
Atheism distorted the true image of science and nature because of the idea of
randomness, even though nature is built on order, else science would not exist,
because science is a record of nature's order and laws.
Atheism is actually an enemy to nature