Is it true that
no one can live a good life in this world? So that the life of the believer
will only be patience with this life and its tests?
My feeling
tells me that God doesn't abandon his slaves. Who is walking on the path of God
and surrendered themselves to Him, God will be with them. God has promised the
believers with a good life in this world, not only in the hereafter : {whoever
does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer-We will
surely cause him to live a good life} {whoever is careful of (his duty to) God,
He will make for him a way out, and provide for him from where he does not
expect, Whoever puts his trust in God, He shall suffice him} The Quran.
We can see this
in the stories of the prophets. If you see what happened to the prophets you'll
know that God didn't abandon his slaves. God didn't abandon Josef for example,
it's true that he had been thrown into a well and entered prison, but let's not
forget that he made up his mind to advance to the woman who tried to seduce him
and that has its retribution. Those adversities are tests from God, but the end
is always best for the pious, in this life and the hereafter.
The prophet Muhammad in the battle of Badr was scared, because they were only planning to attack a caravan and didn't expect to find the whole army of Quraish. However, God replaced their fear with security and peace and they defeated Quraish.
The Issue is
tied, and tied with a delicate bond. I see this in myself, that the more I'm
pure in the inside and close to God the more life becomes good and easy. And if
I taint this purity and move away from God I see the effect of that in
everything around me, like being followed by bad luck. That is why I started to
fear my sins because I know they'll eat me from the inside.
Moses peace be upon him had gone through horrors, he entered the pharaoh's castle and mocked his religion, even though his status is bad, because he's not an Egyptian, killed an Egyptian, doesn't speak clearly and has no one on his side except his brother, but did God abandon him?
Notice that
even prophets encounter problems as a result of their mistakes. Look at the
harsh lesson Moses took when was asked: who is the most knowledgeable on Earth?
And he said: No one is more knowledgeable than me. Look at how difficult his
situation is when Alkhidr dealt with him and addressed him as he addresses
someone who knows nothing, even though Moses is a prophet! Also look at the
Quran's admonition for the prophet Muhammad and how harsh it
It's impossible
that there is no way to live a good life in this world. Doesn't everything has
a solution? Notice how Abraham peace be upon him was never harmed even though
he's among enemies, even the fire they sparked to burn him didn't harm him.
It's not only
that God preserves them from harm, we also see that God treats them with
warm-heartedness and love, like the pumpkin tree God had put to keep the
prophet Jonah's body from cold, for he had came out of the sea feeling cold,
and God had put the tree to hug him with its leaves and cover him from cold and
humidity, He didn't only save him from the whale.
The prophet
Josef peace be upon him became a minister after he came out of prison, and his
brother was with him {thus did We plan for the sake of Josef}. Why was his
brother with him? Because Josef loves him and feels safe with him. Have you
seen the Godly kindness? Josef gets out of prison to have the state within his
hands, his brother with him, and his mother and father prostrate before him,
have you seen the extreme kindness?
The Quran says
that if a punishment was to come it only comes to wrongdoers who didn't care
about the path of righteousness, and not to honest believers {We sent a
sandstorm against them, except the family of Lut, whom We saved at the break of
dawn}. Also, Ishmael wasn't sacrificed, he was ransomed with a great sacrifice,
and the name of Ishmael and Abraham remained immortal and their enemies were
forgotten except those mentioned in the context of the story of Abraham. Those
who were looked down upon by others God made them the most dignified. {indeed,
your enemy is the one cut off} and here is the name of the prophet Muhammad
repeated five times a day across the globe.
In this moment
and in every moment there is someone who prays for the prophet, and his name is
mentioned in the call for prayer (Adhan), not the name of those who hated him
from Quraish. While who said he'll be cut off because he has no children are
the ones who were cut off. Actually, is there any one whose name is mentioned
like Muhammad? He is considered the most influencing character in history!
Notice when
Solomon peace be upon him said : {My Lord, forgive me and grant me a kingdom
such as will not belong to anyone after me}, did he imagine that the jinns,
wind, and birds will be part of his kingdom? No, he was imagining a normal
kingdom, because he can't imagine that the wind will carry him or that the
birds will talk to him or that the jinn will work for him, i.e. he didn't only
become king of humans but also animals, jinns, and even insects. Reflect upon
the divine giving, it's something you don't expect { And will provide for
him from where he does not expect}, God's giving isn't like the giving of
humans. At the same time God will not let your faith go to waste, even when you
have mistaken and sinned God doesn't abandon you and doesn't neglect your faith
{ Allah was not going to make your faith to be fruitless }, and yet
atheists say that God is cruel and merciless!
Look how God
treats His prophets to see how merciful and warm-hearted He is. Notice the aged
Zackary who {prayed to His Lord in secret}, he prayed to God not to leave him
alone with no children even though he's old and his wife is barren, and yet she
becomes pregnant and gives birth. This means that God answers the call of the
honest and righteous people. God is loving and forgiving, and also his grip and
strong, and the matter is in your hands. You decide what your relationship with
God is like, do you continue on the path of slavery to God or do you stop at a
certain point?
One of the
righteous people once said that he sees the effect of his sin in his ride and
childe, and that's is true. From my experience, if you honestly asked for
forgiveness this effect wears away. Look when the prophets glorified God and
asked for His forgiveness the effect of the sin immediately went away, as in
the story of Jonah who went away in anger, { had he not been of those who
glorify God, he would have remained inside its belly until the Day of
Resurrection }.
The prophet
Muhammad used to ask God for forgiveness more than a hundred times per day. Asking
God's forgiveness isn't mere utterances, it's a return to God. So seek God's
forgiveness as soon as you find yourself doing a bad deed, {And those who, if
they commit a shameful act or some wrong against themselves, remember God and
seek forgiveness for their sins}. We need to constantly ask the refuge of God
to protect us from falling into sin, and we need to ask for His forgiveness for
the bad things we did or thought about. The Devil starts with an idea or an
image to end with an act.
Who didn't surrender
his life to God doesn't understand those meanings. Who doesn't believe in God
or is ignorant of faith might imagine that Muslims can sin all they like and
God will take care of forgiving those sins as soon as they ask for forgiveness.
However, when a true Muslim commits a sin he has actually deviated from the
path of slavery to God a little, and his quest for forgiveness is a return to
this whole path and not only from this particular sin he committed, he's asking
to forgive being away from Him. God said: { And those who, if they commit
a shameful act or some wrong against themselves, remember God and seek
forgiveness for their sins} i.e they did it while being away from God. As for
who intentionally do bad deeds and then ask for forgiveness afterwards:
{repentance is not of those who constantly commit sins, and when death
approaches one of them, he says, “I repent now"} this isn't what seeking
forgiveness is.
Repentance is
for who have intended to live their whole life for God, and if deviated from
this path they immediately ask for forgiveness and return to it. This person
feels afraid and regretful when s/he asks for forgiveness. The Arabic word
"estegfar" which -means asking forgiveness- came from the word
"tagfeer" which means: to bury, as if it's one bad thing that you
want to bury while the rest is good. You can't ask for forgiveness for a life
path you chose, you can't say : God I've chosen my life path to be a selfish
materialist so forgive me this sin! The whole issue is about your choice for
your path in life. God forgives those who are on the right path but made a
mistake and then regretted it. In other words, what this believer did is that
he refuses to have this evil as his/her life path so they seek forgiveness to
return to their original path. And this person isn't like who sins all he likes
and then says: when I grow old and sick I'll go to Mecca and repent there! When
life was about to leave he said I'll repent!
The bet is on
life }my prayers and my sacrifices, and my living and my dying are all for
God, the Lord Of The Creation{. You can't say that that person is repentant,
it's life that left him, i.e had life been a little longer he wouldn't have
repented. This is like the person who takes your car and plays around with it
even though you wanted it and asked him to give it back, and when its fuel is
about to finish he comes back and says : I came to give it back as you asked!
This is a foolish and snaky act.
Slavery to
God doesn't only mean that you get beaten and be tortured for the sake of God.
Slavery to God is to know God in prosperity so that he knows you in adversity,
so know God in your good times and they'll continue : {whoever fears God-God
will create for him a way out}. Dealing with God is built on morality, and who
repent after life left them aren't acting morally, because they gave God their
attention when the most important thing to them has or almost went away which
is life.
We should have
a wondering philosophical spirit and meditate what happens around us and not
marginalize it just because it has happened.