The human
feeling has no standards except what is natural. Because our feeling wants a
constant standard to revolve around. This fixed standard which the human
feeling attaches itself to is to enable us to determine our location. We swim in
the sea of life without knowing where we are and we get snatched away by the
changing waves and people. This is what causes our unhappiness and nightmares,
even though the mind thinks that it did all it had to do, but the feeling
doesn’t know what the mind knows. Our feeling wants a natural standard which
enables us to know our place.
You find many
youngsters feeling lost although they live their life to the fullest, but they
don’t find comfort, even though they seek excitement and try to escape pain
with entertainment and even drugs. "Is he who walks grovelling upon his
face better guided, or he who walks upright upon a straight path?" the Quran.
The human
feeling doesn’t know that money or society are of value, but it wants to know
whether we are right or wrong. And that is one of the threads that lead to the
existence of God, because the human feeling (our natural disposition) is
searching for its Lord. This natural constitution doesn't change, develop, nor
get affected by anything, else it won't be a natural constitution. However, a
person can neglect his natural feeling, but it is still there unchanged and
shared by everyone, "He has succeeded who purifies it, And he
has failed who instills it [with corruption]" the Quran. This natural
disposition is the feeling, and it becomes purified every time the mind
connects to it and respects it and not vice versa.
When we
deviate from the path of God we feel lost, and that is what most western
youngsters suffer from, feeling lost. Even though the west are the masters of the
world, who care most about their interests, and yet they couldn’t feel comfort
and serenity. Some people explain what most westerns feel due to economical
causes, but if that's so why didn’t the poor youngsters of India or Somalia
feel it the same way?
When you
don’t know what is right and wrong in a certain issue you'll feel lost in it.
When you don’t know clearly where is right and wrong in your life you'll feel
lost in life. The lack of the true constant standard is what causes this
feeling. Feeling lost can be partial or total. Feeling total loss is when one
in a state of internal chaos, as in lack of attachment to religion or lack of
attachment to morality-which is more dangerous to the self-. Imagine yourself
living solely for the sake of pleasure, after every pleasure you'll have bitter
feelings, you'll start asking: what is my goal? What is the purpose of my
existence in life? etc.., and such questions cannot be understood by the mind
because they come from the feeling. Those questions if neglected can manifest
themselves in the form of depression and illnesses.
That is why
safest path, in terms of the constants the feeling understand, is the path that
is in harmony with our nature, and enlightened by the light of the Quran and
guidance of Islam. The natural path removes man from all the areas that makes
them confused about their location. The natural method/path tells us, for
example, that the evil ideas that we hate and yet still come across our minds
are from the devil, they don’t come from our self and our natural disposition.
Such clarity and understanding provide man with inner security before it
becomes an outer security, because the unclear vision causes fear. Through the
Natural Path you can clearly understand the meaning of submission and trust in
God, also we understand materialism and materialist thinking and the evils it
causes to humanity. Thus, through the Natural Path life has become a lot
Relying on
reason alone isn't enough to convince man even if they can't refute it. This
leads to the distinction between mind and feeling, the existence of the feeling
and that humans aren't only minds. The feeling wants to know the way or the
path we walk in, is it true or false? With disregard to out mental processes.
And by the term "feeling" I don’t mean "emotion", I mean
our natural pure foundation, because the mind in most cases is what moves our
emotions especially the extremist ones like fanaticism, due to the mind's
attachment to our external interests.
The mind
interacts with the feeling in the language of fear and desire. When the mind
tells the feeling that a thing is scary the feeling will be scared, unless it's
something that the feeling knows. If someone told you, for example, that this
device is dangerous you'll be scared because your feeling doesn’t know it.
While if one said about a person – whom your feeling knows- that he's scary
you'll not be scared the same way you were with the device which your feeling
doesn't know. And thus we know the areas in which the mind can affect the
feeling, which are the fields our feeling doesn’t know and didn't experience
before. If someone tried to scare you from your friend and then you believe
them even though your feeling knows that she's not scary, this means that you
oppress your feeling, for you didn't take its evaluation towards your friend
whether she is really scary or not.
suppresses their feeling and prevent it from interacting with things they've
prevented themselves from knowledge, for true knowledge is the one that comes
from our feeling.
Anyone who
presents knowledge opposing the knowledge of the feeling, the feeling will
withdraw its trust in them and in all their other opinions. This leads to the
fact that knowledge is knowing the feeling, else we wouldn’t have doubted their
opinions in other matters. The feeling commands the mind to observe the
fallacies of the people who oppose the knowledge of the feeling, so the mind
starts catching their mental faults, for the feeling knows well that neglecting
the knowledge of the feeling will lead to insanity in the end. The feeling
wants the true natural standard that is built on virtue, and without it we feel
lost, and loss lead to anxiety which produces depression. In case this standard
is related to a person then the feeling will observe this person and seek his