Everything in the mind has its basis in the feeling.
Humanity's mind is the result of humanity's feeling. The feeling is basically
needs, which are either material or moral. The animal doesn't know those moral
(immaterial) needs, and its feeling is nothing but instincts related to its
safety, food, conservation of species..etc. That is evidenced by the fact that
animals have no principles or morality. Thus, when speaking about the nature of
man, we should bear in mind the duality of this nature, because only man has
two natures: material and moral.
Both the mentally disabled person and the mental able person
have the same needs, but addressing those needs will differ according the
difference in their mental capability. Because the mind is the feeling's tool
to deal with the external material world, and the realm of matter is what
construct the mind. This is evidenced by the material origin of the vocabulary
of language, and language is the means to deliver the feeling and also the
Let's assume that both those two persons are in a room on
fire, both the feelings of those two want to escape, but chances for the
mentally able are higher, because s/he can go beyond the limits of the place
with his/her mind. Thus s/he will know the suitable way better than the
mentally disabled. This mind is a servant for the feeling. That's why God in the Quran has
commended people of understanding, because the mind that understands correctly
is the mind that follows the feeling accurately, and present solutions that fit
what the feeling wants, without going against other feelings.
The human feeling
itself is composed of a huge package of feelings, that move in lines isolated
from each other. Therefore there must be a mind to organize its symphony, and
prevent them from going against each other, like what a maestro does with tens of music players.
Coordination often takes place between material feelings and
immaterial feelings, like when the mind stops the need of food for a greater
need, like fairness or fasting. Without this coordination, inconsistencies and
contradictions harmful to man will occur and make one opposes him/herself.
Therefore, the correct mind comes from nature, and not acquired by environment,
religion or society as materialists and atheists claim. They want us to rebel
against all what we acquired from society, which means that they want us to
rebel against reason, and yet they go on boasting their reasonability!
I'm defending sound logic, not everything that we took from
society, while they want us to revolt against everything, in the same time they
want us to obey and submit to all our animalistic motives no matter how weak,
and neglect all what our virtuous motives dictate to us, no matter how big and
strong. The result, then, will be animalism. And then comes the evolution
theory to add fuel to fire and explicitly say: you are animals! So, you should respond
to your animalistic nature lest you have psychological illnesses as their
propagandists say like Dawkins and Freud…etc. That after they stripped man from
the most precious in him/her, which are the higher instincts, and left us only
with lower instincts.
Every true knowledge humanity gains is added to the already
existing mental accumulation, including scientific facts. When science is proven
it becomes reason and logic. Whatever is proven turns into logic and reason,
whether material or moral, without contradicting the previous building of
knowledge which humanity made sure of through experience. Thus, reason is
science and science is reason, and reason includes science but not vice versa.
Man, for example, feels cold, then remembers where he put
the heavy clothes, or look for wood to start a fire, or think of a new way of
heating…etc. All those are mental operations preceded by the feeling of cold. Thus
the feeling precedes the mind. Therefore, the mind is a servant to the feeling.
For instance, people feel irritated from traffic jams, or
from car accidents, then the mind starts working and forms traffic laws, signs,
bridges…etc, in an attempt to solve the problem presented by the feeling.
People suffer from illnesses, that's why we have medicine. People
suffer from difficulties of travelling, that's why they invented the means of
transportation and communication, and so on and so forth.
Consequently, man is basically a follower of the feeling not
the mind. Yes, sometimes we follow the mind before we feel, but that is done
presuming that the mind is built by feeling. When we discover the mind's
opposition to the feeling, we abandon it and look for another mental solution,
and that applies to everything, from a good tool for cooking to a whole
If humanity were only
followers of the mind, they wouldn't have constantly change it, and we wouldn't
have many people opposing it. For example, you find people in meeting to solve
the problem of traffic jams or any other problem, agreeing on the basis which
the existence of a problem, which their feeling suffer from, but they differ on
how to solve the problem.
A proof for the idea that the feeling is what moves humanity
is the ongoing change of means through civilizations, while the needs are the
same, like survival, safety, comfort…etc. The ancients were looking for means
to help them in their daily life, although they didn't of electricity or
trains, but they used their minds to solve their problems, and the need is the
same. Thus, the feeling is the motivator, and science had never stopped once,
i.e. the mind never stopped once.
Consequently, we have two types of learning: a strong learning,
and a weak learning.
The strong learning is what comes directly from the feeling
to the mind, i.e. starts from the need. The weak learning is what starts from
the mind to the feeling, assuming that this mind is based on feelings. Sadly,
the last one is the case of modern education, which crams into the mind of the
students issues and assumptions that they don't yet feel the need for it and
don't concern them, while leaving what concerns them aside. This is what forces
students to memorize blindly, which is rarely kept by the feeling, because
memory is connected with the feeling.
Observe yourself when you say: I want to do something.. what
is it? And how shall I do it? This always happens to us. The one that
"wants" is the feeling, the rest is mind and memory. Who has no
memory has no mind. Smartness is speed, accuracy and the amount of information that
can be kept and transmitted between the memory and the feelings.
Memory is controlled by
the feeling. Notice that when you forget, you are sure that you forgot
something but you don't know what it is, then thinking and remembering starts
operating until you remember. Thus, the feeling doesn't forget, and everything
that's connected with the feeling isn't forgotten, because nobody forgets the
things s/he loves. Even people who have amnesia, they didn't literally lose
memory, else he'll forget how to eat and walk…etc. Actually, all skills can't
be forgotten, even playing the piano.
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