Q : Dear AlWarraq, do you really think that morals and disgust are not originally material?

A: Yes, and I am sure. You have no evidence that they have a material origin, have you? Since there is no evidence that points to their material origin, then the doubt in their materiality is more valid than the doubt in their immateriality, because they look nothing like matter. Also, they are in opposition with the laws of matter and physics. So, on what basis can we say that morality and feelings of disgust are material? Rather, on what basis shall we doubt that they are not? 

As to the fallacy of the material and utilitarian basis of morality, it is a refuted one, because morals are morals and interests are interests . But to who utilizes morality for a selfish intention (self-interest), then this intention will identify the act. Thus, those seemingly moral acts can't be called morals, they're, rather, interests. If you have evidence proving the material basis of morals and disgust, please present it to us.

Materialists deal with feelings (including morals) as if they were material, in an entirely unscientific way, i.e. they depend on guessing. And that is a type of atheistic metaphysics. They firmly believe in the physicality of ideas and feelings without presenting any evidence, while they demand evidence from others on everything!   

Since feelings and thoughts are immaterial, therefore there is a moral (immaterial) world that exists within us, a spiritual world which motivate us .

The materialists denial of the soul is unscientific. Because they did not prove the physicality of what is attributed to the soul. We are in the age of knowledge, but they don't have any knowledge in this field. They want us to believe in what they say because we should trust them, trusting the scientific coats they wear and the flasks and tubes in front of them, i.e. the predesigned stage.

People's minds have never steeped this low before, because science now has become a puppet and a market for ideologies more than what happened with religion and history. Before, they used to control people in the name of religion. Now, the church of science has took the place of the church of religion. However, people who rely on their own thinking and don't hand their trust to anyone except their own minds, will not fall for this game, as they hadn't fell for the previous one.

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