What we see from others doesn’t express their true reality. The way they look doesn’t necessarily express what's inside them, even most of the ideas they believe in and talk about aren’t originally theirs. There is another map and another world inside people. If you look deep inside them you'll be amazed of the difference between what they seem to be and what they truly are. Also, you'll be amazed when you discover that people basically have the same feelings.

We hear many people say that they are busy and have many things to do, and that might be true, but inside them there is something that has different needs to which they pay no attention. We may hear them say that they don’t care about emotions and that love is a waste of time, but this is not true, because what's inside them is different. When someone treats them with love and gratitude they'll be happy, but they won't admit it. Sometimes they want to cry but they fight their tears to maintain their tough appearance, we all do that. This shows that what people appear to be isn’t truly them.

So, we should deal with others based on this inner map, not on how they seem to be. We can see this map from the tone of their voice, the slips of their tongues, their eyes and the way they move. These are keys to discovering the most voluble thing in people: their inner map.

When we talk to someone and he tells us: people are equal to me and I don’t love or hate anyone, I don’t care about people and how they feel etc. This is not true though. Someone might tell another that he misses them, but he doesn't really miss them he misses something else, he looks for his own interest in them, as all such a person does is for the sake of his own interest. The most misleading way to the truth is self-interest. You can very rarely find the truth through selfish motives. Whenever you are motivated by self-interest you won't find the truth. This is a law which you can find throughout history. 

The person who wants what's true and right doesn’t look for their fleeting personal interest. They look for the truth because it is true, and look for virtues because they are virtues. The person who loves virtues, loves beauty, recognizes that he/she is a part of the universe not the center of the universe, he/she will look for the truth, harmony, and beauty. This is the person who will eventually find their own interest by the will of God.        

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